Annual Workshop 2004

View from the Roque de las Muchachos, taken from

Location: La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain

Date: 7 - 11 September 2004


Jürgen Neuberg, University of Leeds, UK
Roberto Carniel, University of Udine, Italy
Ramon Ortíz, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Alicia Garcia, CSIC, Madrid, Spain

Local Organizing Committee

Ramon Ortíz, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Angeles Llinares, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
Josè Manuel Marrero, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Alicia Garcia, CSIC, Madrid, Spain

Workshop Title

"Characterizing eruptive phases with seismology ... and more"

Although our workshops deal with all volcano seismology related fields, every year we try to focus in particular on a given topic. This time, we particularly welcome presentations of works where multiparametric data is used, both for the characterization and modelling of the different convective, effusive or explosive regimes, and for the integration of different experimental data for forecasting and civil defense issues.


Tue 7 Morning Arrival of the participants Afternoon Arrival of the participants 20:00 Icebreaker. Welcome dinner.
Wed 8 09:00-13:30 Scientific sessions 16:00-19:30 Scientific sessions22:00 White wine tasting session
Thu 9 09:00-13:30 Scientific sessions 16:00-19:30 Scientific sessions22:00 Scientific discussions...
Fri 10 08:30-14:00 Field excursion: Recent volcanism. Teneguía and San Antonio volcanoes. Obras de la Fuente Santa. Bodegas de Fuencaliente.16:00-19:30 Scientific sessions22:00 Red wine tasting session
Sat 11 08:30-14:00 Field excursion: Erosive processes and collapses. Caldera tour 14:00-17:00 Field excursion: North of the Island. Astrophysical Observatory 19.30 Closure and goodbye dinner


Hotel Fuencaliente Princess, La Palma

As usual for our meetings, we have shared the same hotel, which was:

Hotel Fuencaliente Princess, La Palma

La Palma, Canary Islands
Phone: +34 922 425500
Fax: +34 922 444049

For additional information on La Palma visit:

For additional information on Princess Hotels chain visit:


The official language of the workshop was the 'International Scientific Language', i.e. English spoken by foreigners.

Field Excursions

Field excursions have been held according to the programme above. These have been organized with the collaboration of the local authorities.