You can use this location map to visit a series of sites around Lebabon. The
outline boxes link to more detailed maps of areas, Wadi Chadra (in the north),
Beaufort - Nabatiye in the south and the Damour valley just to its north. Information
associated with these areas allow you to link tectono-geomorphic landforms with
an interpretation of tectonic activity. Consequently you can visit the northern
area to find evidence for the Yammouneh Fault (or at least this northernmost
segment) being inactive as far a strike-slip displacements are concerned for
the past 7 Myr. The implication is that landforms further south (which you can
visit by clicking on the small boxes) are ancient and do not imply active slip
on the fault. You can compare this situation with that of the Roum Fault Zone
(in both detailed areas). In these sites, landforms younger that the late Miocene
are offset and cut by the fault zone. You can find information on a variety
of scales. You can also find evidence for active uplift that happens together
with transcurrent motion, particularly by visiting the coastal sites. Compare
your findings with the seismicity.
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