Base of Nappe
Looking onto the base of the Morcles nappe and the very thin cover sequence (Jurassic)
in its footwall. These Jurassic sediments (and a very thin veneer of Triassic) are the
sedimentary cover (bedding oriented 227 - 36 NW) to the Aiguilles Rouges basement massif
which they unconformably (unc) overlie. The Jurassic is in turn unconformably overlain by
Eocene sediments, chiefly conglomerates. These are seen in deformed state in the
"lower limb" part of this site. The Eocene sediments are capped tectonically by
a thrust which carries a hanging-wall of strongly stretched Mesozoic strata (including the
Urgonian) that are now up side down (bedding 224 - 28NW)..
Looking NE across the base of the Morcles nappe at the Col de Emanay.
Through the clouds is the Dent de Morcles. The distance between the thrust (line with
teeth) and unconformity (unc) is about 80m. |