Field project tutorials 2002 - Introduction
year we are trying some thing new ! We are going to run a virtual structural
field mapping class !! The basic idea is for you to construct a geological
map from field data provided and then to collect strain and microstructural
data observed at specific localities, from which you will be able to derive
a structural history for the 'area'.
The 'field trip' will run throughout Semester 2. Each tutorial you will add additional information to the map.
We will treat the exercise like a real field class and hopefully it will form part of a progressive learning curve teaching you how to collect geological data in the field and to prepare a final map product.
The 'field' programme is as follows:
Day 1 - Basic mapping: lithological outcrop pattern & main structures.
Day 2 - Collection of 2/3D strain data: analysis in terms of the field area.
Day 3 - Collection of progressive/incremental strain data & analysis.
Day 4 - Map interpretation in terms of polyphase & continuous deformation.
Day 5 - Collection of fault rock microstructural data & interpretation.
You will need to bring the following: mapping board; mapping pens & inks; lead & coloured pencils; compass/clinometer; hand-lens; calculator; rule & protractor.
Remember to use a separate field' notebook' for these tutorials.
You will be provided with: a topographical base map; a structural 'template' on which to construct a cross-section and perform strain analyses; daily basic note-book information (date, weather, hazards, mood, aims, etc.) & relevant geological data; stereonet; etc.
Introduction | Tutorial 1 | Day 2 |
Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 |
Last update: 13th March 2002
Copyright © Dr G. Lloyd, School of Earth Sciences, Leeds University, 2002